The passage from the 1st age, to the 2nd age then to the 3rd age for baby

The passage from the 1st age, to the 2nd age then to the 3rd age for baby

Definition of the 3 types of milk

Breast milk remains the food of choice for babies, ideal to specifically meet their needs throughout their growth. However, if some mothers cannot breastfeed, there are different alternatives to provide nutritional support to the baby and ensure its growth. Depending on the baby's age, we speak of 1st age infant formula or milk, 2nd age formula or follow-on milk, or 3rd age growth formula or milk They are mainly in powder form, to be diluted with water.

Infant formula or milk 1st age 

The period when giving a 1st age 

the 1st age corresponds to the first alternative that baby will receive if breastfeeding does not take place. It is a nutritional alternative close to breast milk with the aim of covering all the nutritional needs of babies during the first months of their lives. This can be given to him until he is 6 months old.

The benefits of the 1st age

the 1 st age is an alternative that covers the specific nutritional needs of the baby. Its protein and amino acid intake is based on the protein quality of breast milk. It must be enriched with vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids including EPA DHA, and also with choline and inositol.

A quick reminder: breast milk is the only food that perfectly meets the needs of the newborn. 

Quantities for a 1st age

Until the baby is 6 months old, his diet is generally milky. The frequency of meals varies between 0 and 6 months. It represents 6 to 8 doses between 0 and 6 months up to 4 to 6 doses at 6 months. The volume of the breasts or bottles also varies with the digestive capacity of the baby and the frequency of the meals. From 4 to 5 months, baby will take about 4 to 6 feedings or 210 ml bottles. 

The volume and number of meals are given as an indication. Your doctor may be able to adapt the quantities according to the specific needs of your baby.

Which preparation to choose?

Most baby milks are prepared with cow's milk protein. In order to offer a 100% plant-based alternative, Bébé M has developed a formula for infants – 1st age without animal milk or soya, based on organic rice protein hydrolysate. This contains DHA (as required by legislation for all 1st age infant formulas ).

Formula or follow-on milk 2nd age

The period when giving a 2nd age 

the 2 rd age is an alternative that meets the needs of babies from 6 months . It allows them to be accompanied during food diversification. 

The benefits of the 2nd age 

the 2nd age covers the needs of the baby by adapting to his physiology and his needs. It will be balanced differently in terms of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids with specific intakes of certain nutrients to complement baby's diversified diet.

Quantities for the 2nd age 

The quantities in 2nd age vary in number and volume from one baby to another. Here is what Bébé M offers for the reconstitution of its follow-up formula based on rice protein hydrolysates:

  • From 6 to 8 months: 3 bottles of 210 ml of water and 7 scoops

  • Beyond 8 months: 2 bottles of 240 ml of water and 8 scoops

Do not hesitate to seek the advice of your pediatrician. He will be able to tell you exactly how much is right for your baby.

Source 2 rd age choose

Bébé M offers a 100% vegetable follow-up formula, without milk, soy or palm oil. This one has a protein intake provided by a hydrolyzate of organic rice proteins. Respectful of the physiology of babies, it is enriched with EPA DHA of vegetable origin. It has a fatty acid balance ensured by a unique and balanced complex of quality oils: Rapeseed, Coconut and Almond. The cold process adopted for the development of this preparation thus respects all the nutrients.

Preparation or growth milk 3rd age 

The period when giving a 3rd age 

3rd age milk will allow you to take over with the different alternatives as your baby grows. It is generally recommended from the age of 10 months and can be given to them until they are 3 years old, as a relay or on a work-study program in the second age. 

The benefits of the 3rd age 

the 3 rd age is not currently officially regulated. These are formulations that aim to provide the baby with more specific contributions adapted to its growth. It is a supplement in the baby's diet, which has now become varied. Above all, it makes it possible to provide a safety contribution concerning certain specific nutrients such as iron, essential fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements.

The quantities of a 3rd age 

The amount of a 3 rd age recommended is generally about 500 ml per day knowing that your baby will have about 2 meals per day. These contributions can very well be taken by baby at breakfast or as a snack.

Which preparation to choose 

The diet of babies being well diversified at 1 year, the preparation or growing-up milk remains a safe daily supplement for milk intake. 

From 10 months, Baby M offers an organic vegetable infant formula of "Cereal with protein supplement" to be used alternately with the 2nd age preferably Indeed, this Baby M3 preparation is an optimized 3-in-1 formulation that combines protein + cereal + complementary natural supplements.

Milk-free, gluten-free and palm oil-free, it is enriched with seaweed, lactic ferments and acerola. 

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